Sunday, July 28, 2013

Re-Broadcast: What You Don't Know About PAWS - Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome - May Surprise You

You may think withdrawal from substance abuse only refers to the immediate physical symptoms experienced when your body is trying to adjust to NOT having drugs and/or alcohol in its system. We are all mostly aware of some of the more obvious signs of withdrawal: shaking, sweating, racing heartbeat, muscle twitches, insomnia and acute anxiety.

But did you know PAWS symptoms can occur 7-14 days after your last drink, even after the acute withdrawal symptoms recede?  Did you know recovery from nervous system damage requires 6-24 months in a healthy program of recovery?

On this show we will talk more about PAWS, share our own stories about how we were effected by the myriad of physical and psychological symptoms that can be experienced, and share ways to ameliorate the effect of PAWS.  You do not have to be a long-time heavy drinker to experience these uncomfortable side effects, and understanding them can be key to maintaining your sobriety, especially in the early days.

 Go HERE to see the show's page on Blog Talk Radio!
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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Starting Over - Facing Yourself After Relapse

Many people who try to quit drinking alcohol have at least one relapse before achieving long-term sobriety. For many, a relapse is part of the recovery process. If you had a relapse, all is not lost. It is time to face the facts, pick yourself up, and start back on the road to recovery. A relapse can be a valuable lesson that helps to strengthen resolve and continue to live an even more authentic and fulfilling sober life. Relapsing is not an indictment, it is simply a reality. The problem is that once it has happened to you, it can be overwhelming to face what has happened. There is a tendency to heap blame on yourself, to feel that you are a failure. That is counter-productive. This week on the show, we will be looking at constructive ways to face yourself and move forward after relapse.

Join us as we hear stories from guests who have relapsed. We will take an honest look at relapse as it relates to recovery.

Click HERE to go to the show's page on Blog Talk Radio.

Listen to internet radio with The Bubble Hour on BlogTalkRadio

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Re-Broadcast: Vulnerability and Recovery

For the summer months, we will be broadcasting live shows every other week, instead of every week. 

During the "off" weeks, we will re-broadcast popular or topically relevant shows. This Sunday we will be airing "Vulnerability and Recovery".

The three co-hosts of the show will be sharing their experience with vulnerability, sharing some feedback we have on some informal research/poll of what people think of vulnerability.

The show will air on Sunday, July 14th, at 9pm EST, 8pm Central, 7pm Mountain and 6pm Pacific.

 Go HERE to see the show's page on Blog Talk Radio!
Listen to internet radio with The Bubble Hour on BlogTalkRadio

Sunday, July 7, 2013

The Importance of Boundaries

Healthy boundaries create healthy relationships.  Unhealthy boundaries create dysfunctional ones. 

By establishing clear boundaries, we define ourselves in relation to others.  To do this, however, we must be able to identify and respect our needs, feelings, opinions, and rights.  Otherwise our efforts would be like putting a fence around a yard without knowing the property lines.

On this show, we will discuss boundaries - how we establish them, how we know when they are (or aren't) healthy, and why boundaries are important to sobriety.

Please join us for this important conversation!

Show airs at 9pm EST, 8pm Central, 7pm Mountain, 6pm Pacific.

 Go HERE to see the show's page on Blog Talk Radio!
Listen to internet radio with The Bubble Hour on BlogTalkRadio