We are thrilled to Welcome Devin Fox as a featured guest on our show, along with other inspiring young people who will share their experience, strength and hope about what it's like to be young and sober.
Devin is Executive Director of Young People in Recovery, which is a movement that is united at all levels to empower young people to find and sustain recovery. Their Facebook page can be found HERE.
YPR uses voices and lived experiences to advocate, educate, and collaborate. Young People In Recovery envisions a world where all young people in or seeking recovery have the opportunity to reach their maximum potential.
The conversation about recovery and addiction is changing, and young people in recovery are at the forefront of this exciting movement. If you want to become more involved please visit YPR's website to find out more!
Please listen to this important show! NOTE: we had some technical difficulties towards the end of the show where three people dropped suddenly and there is about ten seconds of silence - but the show DOES go on so please keep listening!
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