Sunday, October 20, 2013

Denial Equals Death

There is an epidemic of addiction in our country, especially amongst younger people, and it is EVERYWHERE.

In this show will talk with Jeff Bertolet, a father who is in recovery himself and whose daughter Morgan is recovering from a nearly fatal drug overdose.  His heartbreaking and hopeful story will amaze you.

We will also talk with Dr. Mark Libon, Chief Clinical Officer at Gosnold, Inc. - a treatment center in Cape Cod, Massachusetts - about his experiences talking with both young people and communities about how they feel about drug use and addiction in their communities.  What he has to say will startle you, and hopefully call you to action in helping to speak out about this deadly epidemic.

We will also talk about ways to help people struggling with addiction and what you can do within your community to help.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Accepting Acceptance

We hear often that acceptance is key in both getting sober and staying sober.

But what does this really mean?  What does acceptance mean to you? 

We know that in order to get sober, we must accept that we are powerless over drugs and/or alcohol. 

But even during sobriety, accepting things we do not have control over - which turns out is all people, places and things - is critical to maintaining recovery.

In this show we talk all about Acceptance:  why it is important, how it can be elusive, what gets in the way of acceptance, what it means to us, tools we use to find acceptance, how we know when we're not accepting something and what we do to get it back. 

We also share stories of times lack of acceptance has made us struggle or suffer, and share our experiences with times acceptance has helped us not just stay sober but maintain a healthy recovery.

You can listen through the widget below, or look in the tab above to find out how to subscribe to our podcast!   You can also click on the link on the right below our video, which takes you directly to iTunes. 

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Monday, October 7, 2013

Rebroadcast: The Power of Truth & Story ... Drinking and Shame

One major issue that keeps people stuck in the cycle of alcoholism, even when they know they have a problem, or a niggling doubt that their drinking is getting worse, is SHAME.
On this episode we will hear from six women who are brand new to sobriety, have had more than one Day One recently, but who are still out there swinging, talking to people, becoming part of community, and telling their story - bravely - to offer hope to others and to help heal themselves.
The antidote to shame is truth.
Through the power of story we share our truths; we're not trying to give answers, or how-to's.   They are sharing their stories to demonstrate that the only thing anyone can do wrong is not try at all, not reach out for help, not love yourself enough to face their drinking head-on.
You can listen through the widget below, or look in the tab above to find out how to subscribe to our podcast!   
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