When we romanticize our drinking days, we may feel like they were carefree and we had the freedom to do as we pleased. We liked doing things our way (and we don’t like being told what to do!). Then again....on further reflection, we remember that alcohol didn’t leave us with many choices - no matter how hard we tried, no matter our best intentions, and no matter the consequences, it always called us back. It left us with shame and sadness. And, we see now, drinking was either at the root of or exacerbated all of our problems!
In sobriety, we come to find that life is for living, not enduring! We are no longer burdened with “feeding the beast,” which leaves room for a full life. We make authentic connections with our true selves and with others. We have clear sight about how to show up for our lives, without fear! In recovery, we find freedom!
*reference: The Grapevine, May 1960
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