We are thrilled to have a very special guest, Tanya Cole-Lesnick, LCSW, life coach and psychotherapist, to help us with this topic. We have four guests joining us on the show to share their experiences with intimacy in sobriety and Tanya will offer insights based on her experience with this topic.
Tanya Cole-Lesnick, LCSW, is a life coach and psychotherapist since 1995, in private practice since 2000. She works with people who are stuck. People who know their lives could have more meaning, ease, excitement, or… something different from the way they’re living at the time they seek out her services. She has also worked in mental health settings over the years with people suffering from various psychiatric diagnoses. With all her clients her approach is the same. She calls it The One Agreement, which is a commitment she encourages us all to make to show up for ourselves, whatever that means for each of us, no matter what. Her philosophy is that we should always be checking in with ourselves to make sure that how we’re living aligns with who we are and what matters most. She helps her clients to identify where they’re not aligned, then helps them to break down old habits that no longer serve them and build up new habits that do.
She is also in the process of a new exciting venture—creating weekend retreats in upstate New York where her clients can pamper themselves and do some life-changing emotional work at the same time.
And, by the way, she has her own personal connection to the topic of Intimacy and Sex in Recovery, with a history of using substances to help remove the fear of intimacy, figuring out the hard way that it’s a problematic approach…
You can find more information about Tanya at: www.tanyacolelesnick.com .You can also find her on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/tanyacolelesnickcoaching and Twitter: https://twitter.com/tcolelesnick
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