Monday, March 18, 2013

Special Guest - Amy Hatvany, Author of Best Kept Secret

Amy Hatvany graduated with a degree in Sociology only to discover most sociologists are unemployed. Soon followed a variety of jobs – some of which she loved, like decorating wedding cakes; others which she merely tolerated, like receptionist. In 1998, Amy finally decided to sell her car, quit her job, and take a chance on her true love - writing books.

Since then, she has authored five novels, and last year, her book OUTSIDE THE LINES was selected by Target’s book club and Costco as a Buyer’s pick. Her latest, HEART LIKE MINE, explores the complicated dynamics within blended families. To learn more about Amy go to:

Listen to our discussion of Amy's book Best Kept Secret, a novel about a Mom struggling with alcoholism and early recovery, as well as a down-to-earth, frank and funny conversation about motherhood, life, alcoholism, recovery and much more.

To listen, click on the widget below, or subscribe to our podcast by clicking on the link in our right hand sidebar or following the instructions in the tab above.

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  1. I loved your show with Amy Hatvany. In fact I love all your shows and have listened to them all at least a couple of times, some of them, more. They have been extremely helpful for my own recovery (6 months!). I'm wondering if you've ever considered doing a show on co-dependency, especially on how family and close friends react to the person who's in recovery. For example, sometimes I'm amazed at how some family members have totally ignored the fact that I'm no longer drinking - not a word.
    Anyway, you are all doing a great job. Thank you so much!

  2. Thanks for all you share through your blog. I enjoy and appreciate listening to the podcasts. I wanted to let you know that I have nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award. You can read more about it here:

