Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Parenting, Alcoholism and Recovery

On this show we talk about parenting, alcoholism and recovery from several perspectives: what's it like to grow up with alcoholic parent(s), what it's like to be a parent struggling with drinking and what it's like to be a sober parent.
We also discuss when/how to talk to your children about alcoholism and recovery.
Whether you're the child of an alcoholic, a parent struggling with drinking, or a parent in recovery, the cycle of addiction and recovery has a HUGE impact on family life.  Please come listen to this honest and open conversation where we share our own experience, strength and hope with this important topic. 

Listen in the widget below, or look on the right-hand sidebar and click on the link to subscribe to our podcast: 

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Monday, May 20, 2013

Let's Talk About Denial

Denial is a defense mechanism that allows a person – despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary – to deny that something is true, when in fact, it is true.  It is one of the most powerful and difficult problems that Alcoholics and Drug Addicts face before, during, AND after treatment, because it is always the thinking that precedes the act of picking up a drink or a drug.
If you have a drinking problem, you may deny it by:
  • Drastically underestimating how much you drink
  • Downplaying the negative consequences of your drinking
  • Complaining that family and friends are exaggerating the problem
  • Blaming your drinking or drinking-related problems on others
If any of these symptoms sound familiar to you, or someone you love, or if you're struggling with drinking, please listen to this informative and important show.

Click on the widget below to listen to the show!

Listen to internet radio with The Bubble Hour on BlogTalkRadio

Monday, May 13, 2013

Special Mother's Day Episdoe

Motherhood introduces unique challenges in getting and staying sober, along with the incredible gifts we receive as sober Moms.

Amanda and Ellie read the words written my mothers who are struggling with drinking, who are newly sober or who have been sober a while - powerful, courageous words about how becoming a mother impacted their drinking (or sobriety), what it's like to be a sober mother, and how mothers face a different kind of stigma as they face their own alcoholism.

Come listen to these brave truths. We are NOT in this alone.

Listen in the widget below, or click on the tab above to learn how to subscribe to our podcast (or click on the link - the picture - in the right hand sidebar). 

Listen to internet radio with The Bubble Hour on BlogTalkRadio

Monday, May 6, 2013

It's Not Just A Drinking Disease, It's A Thinking Disease

This is an extra special episode of The Bubble Hour this week - a group of sober women talking about Cognitive Distortion - otherwise known as "how we think".

Do you ever find yourself in a negtative thought pattern? Do you listen to the way you talk to yourself?  Do you ever inflate or minimize emotions?  Do you get overwhelmed easily?

Listen to this open discussion among several recovering women who talk about growing an awareness of how we treat ourselves - our perfectionism, our negative thought patterns and the ways this impacts our sobriety.

We also talk about the tool we use to re-program our break addictive thought patterns.

Listen to internet radio with The Bubble Hour on BlogTalkRadio

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Understanding the Addictive Personality

If you are a recovering alcoholic it is likely that you have been told you have an addictive personality, or perhaps you've wondered this yourself?

People have probably even told you long before you ever realized that you were an alcoholic that you had an addictive personality…but what does that mean?

If you're wondering whether your not you have an addictive personality you can take a quiz to find out - go to this link here.

We will talk about the common personality traits found in addictive personalities, as well as tools you can use to identify behaviors, habits and triggers that can endanger your recovery.

Listen to internet radio with The Bubble Hour on BlogTalkRadio