Sunday, November 29, 2015

Re-Broadcast: From Self-Medicating to Self-Care

“I need a drink” is a common catch phrase people use to sum up a bad day.  The culture is rife with advice that a “nice glass of wine” is all it will take to feel better about whatever challenges life dishes up.  So, when we are faced with big health issues, like anxiety, depression, and other mental illnesses; physical illness or changes in our physical health; or stress caused by any social or familial changes or losses, it can seem like an easy fix to pick up a drink to “take the edge off.”  
As alcoholics, this response becomes our go-to.  We come to depend on alcohol to deal with our problems.  It becomes a vicious cycle as our bodies and brains are stressed from processing the alcohol, as we stuff our emotions deeper and deeper down inside, and as we become dependent on the drink to fix us.
We find great freedom from that dependence in sobriety, but it can be daunting to realize that even though we are now sober, we still have the same issues we had before we sought relief in the bottle - the same anxiety, the same depression, the same hormonal changes, the same trauma.  

On this show, our guests share their experiences about how they found new and better ways to deal with their lives.  From menopause to dual diagnoses, we can move from self-medicating to proper self-care!
Listen below, or follow the instructions in the tab above for how to subscribe to our podcast! 

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Plan Ahead for a Sober AND Fun Holiday Season!

The holiday season is upon us once again, starting (for those of us in the US) with Thanksgiving this week. In light of this, we thought it was timely to revisit tips and strategies for not just surviving the holiday season, but also reaping the gifts, choices and freedoms we enjoy as people in recovery!

If you are newly sober, there is no doubt this can be a challenging time.  On this episode show we share tips, tools and advice and our own personal stories of what worked for us - and some things that didn't - when we were newly sober, as well as what we do today.
Listen below, or click on the link above to subscribe to our podcast! 

Sunday, November 8, 2015

How To Navigate The Dating World When You're Sober

Dating is confusing enough, at times, but it can be especially tricky to navigate when you're sober. 
On this episode we talk about Sober Dating. We will address questions like: 
  • When/how do I tell someone I'm sober?
  • How do I maintain healthy boundaries and keep focus on self-care/program of recovery?
  • What about dating in early recovery?
  • The person I'm dating is sober, too, which is great, but what pitfalls should I look out for?

What do I do if the person I'm dating drinks? 
And more...
 Listen through the widget below, or follow the link above to learn how to subscribe to our podcast.  Thank you! 

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Let's Talk About Recovery Meetings

On the Bubble Hour we do not endorse or promote any particular program or pathway to recovery.
We honor the traditions of twelve-step programs, and as such we do not discuss them by name, and we will continue to honor this policy.
We receive emails from listeners who are considering going to a recovery meeting, or who have gone and have questions.  We have received requests to do a show about what recovery meetings are like.  
On this episode, our co-hosts will talk about recovery meetings, with the following important caveat: we can only share our own experience, strength and hope. We do NOT speak on behalf of any program, nor do we endorse any one pathway. 
On the Bubble Hour we strive to create community, which to us is the cornerstone to all forms of recovery. We honor and recognize that for many - but not all - this community is found in twelve step meetings.  Many listeners message us that they made the decision to try a recovery meeting to seek community.  Others tell us they are curious but fearful and want to know what to expect.
If you are considering a twelve step recovery meeting, this episode is for you.  Please bear in mind, though, that nobody speaks on behalf of ANY twelve step program, and that all meetings are different based on culture, location and each group's conscience. 
Listen below, (or follow THIS LINK as the widget has been giving us trouble) or follow the instructions on our page for how to subscribe to our podcast on iTunes: