Sunday, April 26, 2015

Interview with Sherri VandenAkker - Creator of the Film "My Name Was Bette"

On this episode, we interviewed Sherri VandenAkker and her sister, Krystyn White.

Sherri is the creator of the film My Name Was Bette:  The Life and Death of an Alcoholic. This stunning documentary offers a shocking yet moving look at women's alcoholism.  The film chronicles the progression of the disease in Sherri and Krystyn's mother, Bette VandenAkker -- a nurse, wife, and mother -- who died in September, 2007.   The film, which was also created by Josh WE Hays, employs interviews, family photographs, medical records and graphics, and court documents to provide a personal and detailed look at the physical, emotional, and mental toll of alcoholism.  The film also also offers hope to those affected by the disease who seek to heal their pain and strained relationships.

On this show we will talk with Sherri and Krystyn about their personal journeys with their mother's alcoholism, as well as discuss what it was like to create the film.  If you have ever loved someone who struggled with alcoholism, you understand the challenges of loving someone with this disease.
Sherri, who is  Co-producer, Director, and Writer of the film -- was raised in central Massachusetts.  She now lives north of Boston.  She is a graduate of Mount Holyoke College and the University of Massachusetts Amherst, where she earned her doctorate in English.  She is a Professor at the Springfield  College, School of Human Services, Boston.

This film is avaialble to rent on Amazon; to view the film click HERE.  Visit the film's website by clicking HERE.

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Sunday, April 19, 2015

Sober Vacations

The very idea of having fun on vacation without drinking can be daunting, especially for those of us who once planned our resort time around swim up bars and vineyard tours. Is it possible to have fun travelling and stay sober? How do we ensure that we have the support we need away from our usual recovery-centered routines? Whether it is a summer camping trip or a mid-winter beach getaway, vacations require a little extra planning and consideration in sobriety. On this show Jean, Amanda and Catherine recount their recent vacations and explore what worked well, what went wrong, and what they might try differently next time.

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Sunday, April 12, 2015

Imposter Syndrome

Impostor syndrome is the feeling that you’re a fraud—that you’re somehow less qualified, less deserving of success. There is the fear that you’ll be “found out," which may lead you to attempt to work longer and harder than others. This can be a source of resentment, exhaustion, and a sense of impending doom. While Impostor Syndrome is not solely the domain of alcoholics, many of us report deep attachments to perfectionism and, it's cousin, Impostor Syndrome. Many of us drank over our feelings of resentment and fear arising from the core belief that we were frauds. Now that we are sober, we can bring these fears into the light of truth. When we think, "I'm a fraud," instead of drinking, we ask, "Is that true?" We connect with our recovery communities and see the truth of our own self-worth reflected back at us in the faces of our sober friends. We learn to discard these old patterns of thinking and replace them with healthier, more balanced ones. In recovery, we find freedom from the tyranny of Impostor Syndrome.

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Sunday, April 5, 2015

Speaker Meeting With Lisa U.

A very close friend of The Bubble Hour was asked to share her story at a 12-Step recovery meeting so we asked her to record it so we could share it with all of you. Lisa U. has faced many challenges in her recovery, but she got through them all with courage and dignity. We hope her story will inspire you as much as it inspires us. 

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Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Increased Alcoholism Rates Post Gastric Bypass Surgery

Sunday March 29, 2015 - Increased Alcoholism Rates Post Gastric Bypass Surgery

In 2012 a study was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association that reports the percentage of patients abusing alcohol increased from 7.6% to 9.6% two years after gastric bypass surgery - potentially creating 2,000 alcoholics every year in the US.
There is more than one theory on why this occurs.  Some say it is addiction transfer: a patient switches an addiction to food to an addiction to alcohol.  More recent evidence suggests an anatomical explanation - metabolic and hormonal changes triggered by gastric bypass surgery that leave patients especially vulnerable to alcoholism.  Maybe it is both - or neither?  The truth is nobody is 100% sure of why alcoholism rates increase post surgery.
If you are struggling with alcoholism post-surgery, however, the reason why may not be as relevant as what to do about it.  There are unique challenges that face people whose alcoholism may be attributed to gastric bypass surgery, and on this episode of the Bubble Hour we will discuss this startling trend.  We will share more information about why experts feel this increased vulnerability to alcoholism occurs, and speak with special guest Jessica about her own experience with gastric bypass surgery, alcoholism and recovery.
We are also excited to welcome Diane Grimaldi, DNP, PMHCS, BC as a guest on the show and an expert on this issue.
Diane started her psychotherapy practice in Cambridge, Massachusetts in 1984 after receiving her Masters Degree in Adult Mental Health Nursing from Boston College and becoming a board certified Clinical Specialist in Psychiatric Nursing. 
In 2014 she received a Doctorate in Nursing Practice from the University of Massachusetts, Lowell.  For more information about Diane and her practice please visit
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